About Us
Nordic Press Center er et ressurssenter for nordiske journalister, startet våren 2022. Senteret ligger på Capitol Hill, like ved den amerikanske Kongressen. Senteret skal bidra til å styrke neste generasjon utenriksreportere i de nordiske land, og vil tilby kurs og arbeidsopphold, samt inspirasjon og faglig påfyll via webside og sosiale medier.
The Nordic Press Center is a resource center for journalists from the Nordic countries, established in the spring of 2022. NPC is located in Washington, DC, near the Capitol. The Center will offer a physical and web-based "home away from home" for journalists and journalism students interested in foreign affairs.
Strengthening foreign policy reporting in the Nordic countries by creating new opportunities for early-career journalists and building stronger ties between journalism educators in the US and the Nordic countries.
Berit Enge is the founder and director of the Nordic Press Center. She started her career as a journalist in regional and national newspapers in Norway, and continued as a diplomat serving at posts in Tokyo, Washington and New York. She has been speechwriter for two Norwegian ministers, and has been part of political campaigns in Japan and in the US. Born in Sørfold, Northern Norway, she holds degrees in political science, international affairs and Japanese from University of Oslo, Norway, University of Sussex, UK, and Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. She lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Annegrethe Rasmussen has worked as editor and journalist for a number of Danish media organizations, including Dagbladet Information, Weekendavisen, Berlingske, Altinget and POV International i København, London, Paris and Washington D.C. She is Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of POV International. Annegrethe has contributed to numerous books, and is the co-author of “USAs Udfordringer” (“USAs Challenges”, with Peter Christian Brøndum), the principal textbook on the US used in Danish secondary schools. In addition, Annegrethe serves as an adviser for Danish companies, and is a frequent moderator and speaker on US politics, international affairs and media, in Denmark and in the US. She holds degrees in political science and international relations from University of Copenhagen in Denmark. She lives in Washington, DC.
Fanny Åhman is a recent graduate of American University with a B.A. in journalism and a minor in international relations. She is a Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellow and a member of Kappa Tau Alpha, an honor society that recognizes academic excellence in journalism. She is now working on a documentary scheduled for presentation in the US in October. Fanny also has experience in creating creative content and has worked closely with several athletics departments, and the Nordic Press Center, to further develop their social media. While pursuing a career in journalism, Fanny is also representing Sweden’s national team in beach volleyball. She was born in Umeå, Sweden, and now lives in Stockholm.

Susann Wilson fullførte i 2023 en mastergrad i Internasjonale Relasjoner ved Karlsuniversitetet i Praha, Tsjekkia. Siste halvår av 2023 var hun praktikant hos den Norske ambassaden i Praha hvor hun blant annet jobbet med EØS-midlene, grønn omstilling og sikkerhetspolitikk. Susann har en bachelorgrad i utviklingsstudier fra Universitet i Agder, med to feltarbeid i Sri Lanka. De neste månedene er Susann besøkende praktikant hos oss på Nordic Press Center i Washington D.C. Hun ser frem til å lære mer om og arbeide tettere med temaer som pressefrihet, påvirkning og spredning av falske nyheter.
Susann Wilson graduated in 2023 from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, with a master’s degree in International Relations. During the latter half of the same year, she engaged in an internship at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prague where she worked on topics such as the EEA grants, the green transition and security policy. Susann holds a bachelor’s degree in Global Development studies from the University of Agder, including two fieldwork experiences in Sri Lanka. In the coming months, Susann will be a visiting intern at our Nordic Press Center in Washington D.C. She is looking forward to learning more about and working closely on topics like press freedom, influence, and fake news.
Anders Eidesvik fullførte i 2021 en bachelorgrad i politikk, filosofi og økonomi ved Universitetet i Exeter i Storbritannia. Siden det har han jobbet som journalist Klassekampen og Dagens Næringsliv hvor han skrev om energi, klima og makroøkonomi. I 2022 var han først praktikant og siden ansatt som rådgiver ved den norske FN-delegasjonen i New York, hvor han blant annet deltok i forhandlinger rundt bærekraftsmålene og flere møter i Sikkerhetsrådet. Nå er han besøkende praktikant hos Nordic Press Center i Washington.
Anders Eidesvik graduated in 2021 from the University of Exeter, UK, with a bachelor degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE). Since then he has worked as a journalist for Klassekampen and Dagens Næringsliv, where he covered topics related to energy, climate, and macroeconomics. In 2022, he first served as an intern and later as an advisor at the Norwegian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, where he participated in negotiations related to the Sustainable Development Goals and attended several meetings in the Security Council. Currently, he is a visiting intern at the Nordic Press Center.
Elisabeth Teige holder på med en mastergrad i undersøkende journalistikk på Senter for undersøkende journalistikk ved Universitet i Bergen. Ved siden av studiene jobber hun i TV 2 Nyheter i utenriksavdelingen. For tiden jobber hun i TV 2 Sport med et undersøkende prosjekt. Hun har en bachelor i retorikk fra UiB, og har vært aktiv i studentmedia under studieperioden.
Elisabeth Teige is currently doing a master’s degree in Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen. Besides studying, she works for TV 2 Norway in their department for foreign affairs, where she is currently undertaking a investigating project. She holds a bachelors degree in Rhetoric from UiB, and has been active in student media while studying.
Ingrid Borvik tar en master i undersøkende journalistikk ved Universitetet i Bergen. Hun har en bachelorgrad i sammenliknende politikk og har studert ett år litteraturvitenskap. Underveis i studieløpet har hun sittet i universitetsstyret ved UiB og har erfaring fra Bergensavisen og Aftenposten.
Ingrid Borvik is currently doing a master’s degree in Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen. She holds a bachelor’s degree in comparative politics and has studied one year of litterature. She has experience from the newspapers industry, having worked for both Bergensavisen and Aftenposten, as well as being a member of the University Board at UiB.
Stian Tonning har nylig fullført en bachelor i Media og Kommunikasjon ved Universitetet i Bergen og nå tar han en master i undersøkende journalistikk ved samme universitet. Ved siden av studiene jobber han som deskreporter i TV 2 Sporten. Han har vært aktiv i studentradioen i Bergen siden 2019 og har blant annet stiftet Formel 1-podcasten «Bremsespor». Selv kommer han fra en liten plass, omtrent en time utenfor Bergen, som heter Eikelandsosen.
Stian Tonning has recently completed a Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication at the University of Bergen and he is currently pursuing a Master's degree in investigative journalism at the same university. Alongside his studies, he works as a desk reporter at TV 2 Sporten. He has been actively involved in the student radio scene in Bergen and has among other things founded the Formula 1 podcast «Bremsespor». He comes from a small place called Eikelandsosen, located approximately an hour outside Bergen.
Julian Mellingsæter går siste året på en master i undersøkende journalistikk ved Universitetet i Bergen. Tidligere har han studert sammenliknende politikk ved samme universitet. Julian har vært aktiv i studentmediene i Bergen, men bruker det meste av sin fritid som fotballtrener i Fana Fotball. Ett av hans store forbilder er Lars Nehru Sand.
Julian Mellingsæter is in his final year of a master's in investigative journalism at the University of Bergen. He has previously studied Comparative Politics at the same university, as well as being active in the Student's Media in Bergen. He spends most of his free time as a football coach in Fana Football. One of his role models is the Norwegian political journalist Lars Nehru Sand.
Emil Nordpoll tar en master ved senter for undersøkende journalistikk på universitetet i Bergen. Ved siden av studiene jobber han i TV2 som videoreporter og front-nattevakt. Emil er også aktiv i studentradioen i Bergen og er en av programlederne for Formula 1 podkasten «Bremsespor».
Emil Nordpoll is taking a master's degree at the Center for Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen. Alongside his studies, he works as a videoreporter and front page editor for the Norwegian news and tv broadcaster TV 2. He is also a radio host for the Formula 1 podcast «Bremsespor» which is produced by the Student's Radio in Bergen.
Karl er bosatt i Bergen og jobber som journalist i avisen Dagen. Han har en bachelor i Journalistikk fra NLA Mediehøgskolen Gimlekollen og er for tiden masterstudent i Undersøkende journalistikk ved Universitetet i Bergen. De siste årene har han dekket temaer i skjæringspunktet mellom livssyn og politikk. Han har også skrevet mye om alternative kristne miljøer i Norge.
Karl lives in Bergen and works as a journalist for the newspaper Dagen. He has a bachelor's degree in Journalism from NLA Media College Gimlekollen, and is currently a master's degree student in investigative journalism at the University of Bergen. He has a particular interest in topics related to religion and politics.
Ingrid Hjellbakk Kvamstø tar en master i undersøkende journalistikk på Senter for undersøkende journalistikk ved Universitet i Bergen. Samtidig jobber hun i Khrono som debattjournalist. Fra tidligere har hun erfaring fra Bergens Tidende, Nyss og Vestnytt. Hun har også vært praktikant på Nynorsk Avissenter i Førde.
Ingrid Hjellbakk Kvamstø is a master's degree student in investigative journalism at the Center for Investigative Journalism at the University of Bergen. She is currently working as a journalist at Khrono, a web newspaper focused on research and higher education. She has also worked for Norwegian newspapers Bergens Tidende, Nyss and Vestnytt, and she has interned at Nynorsk Avissenter in Førde.
Karoline Johannessen Litland holder på med en mastergrad i undersøkende journalistikk på Senter for undersøkende journalistikk (SUJO) ved Universitetet i Bergen. Hun har tidligere erfaring fra Dagens Næringsliv, E24, Bergens Tidende, Lindesnes avis og Lister. Karoline har i tillegg jobbet som studentpraktikant ved den norske ambassaden i Kuala Lumpur og har en bachelorgrad i økonomi og administrasjon fra Copenhagen Business School.
Karoline Johannessen Litland is currently a student at the Center for Investigative Journalism (SUJO) at the University of Bergen, where she is pursuing a master's degree in investigative journalism. She has written for various local, regional and national newspapers in Norway. In addition, Karoline has worked as an intern at the Norwegian embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where she gained experience in foreign affairs. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics and business administration from Copenhagen Business School.
Ingeborg Sivertstøl er utdannet statsviter fra Institutt for sammenliknende politikk ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB). Masteravhandlingen omhandlet inntektsulikhet og hvordan denne ulikheten påvirker tilfredsheten med demokratiet. Denne høsten fullfører hun sin andre mastergrad på Senter for undersøkende journalistikk (SUJO) ved universitetet i Bergen. Som del av studiene ved SUJO har hun samarbeidet med journalist Anders Magnus og gravegruppen i NRK. Ingeborg har flere utenlandsopphold bak seg, blant annet som student i India, Vietnam og på Vestbredden. I Øst-Europa har hun gjennomført og koordinert flere valgobservasjoner gjennom European Dialogue and Democracy Association (EDDA). Denne organisasjonen stiftet hun sammen med en gruppe medstudenter i 2016.
Ingeborg Sivertstøl holds a master’s degree in political science from the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen. Her thesis focused on income inequality and how it affects people’s satisfaction with democracy. This fall she will complete her second master's degree at the Center for Investigative Journalism (SUJO) at the University of Bergen. As part of her studies at SUJO, she collaborated with journalist Anders Magnus and the investigative journalism group at Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) on a documentary broadcast nationally in Norway. Ingeborg has had several stays abroad, including studies in India, Vietnam, and the West Bank. In Eastern Europe, she has conducted and coordinated several election observation missions through the European Dialogue and Democracy Association (EDDA), an organization she co-founded in partnership with a group of fellow students in 2016.
Tonje Holtan har en mastergrad i sammenliknende politikk fra universitetet i Bergen (UiB). Denne høsten fullfører hun en mastergrad i undersøkende journalistikk ved Senter for undersøkende journalistikk (SUJO) ved UiB. Hun har tidligere vært praktikant ved den norske delegasjonen til OECD og UNESCO i Paris, og har studert i India, Vietnam, og på Vestbredden. Gjennom sitt engasjement i organisasjonen European Dialogue and Democracy Association (EDDA) har hun observert flere valg i Øst-Europa, og har en særlig interesse for valg og valgprosesser. Det siste året har hun samarbeidet med journalist Anders Magnus om et graveprosjekt for NRK, som del av masteroppgaven ved SUJO. Holtan er både født i, og bor i Bergen.
Tonje Holtan holds a master’s degree in comparative politics from University of Bergen (UiB). This fall she will complete a master’s degree in investigative journalism at the Center for Investigative Journalism (SUJO) at UiB. Previously she has been an intern in the Norwegian delegation to the OECD and UNESCO in Paris, and she has studied abroad in India, Vietnam and at the West Bank. Through her involvement in the organization European Dialogue and Democracy Association (EDDA), she has been an observer to several elections in Eastern Europe, and has a particular interest in elections and electoral processes. In the past year, she has collaborated with journalist Anders Magnus on an investigative journalistic project for Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), broadcast nationally in Norway, as part of her master's thesis at SUJO. Holtan was born in, and now lives in Bergen, Norway.